Let’s Get Social Again: Branded Events

Most business owners understand how important their company’s brand is. A business brand says to potential customers “This is what I represent, what I offer consumers and how I’m different from other companies.” The concept of branding that is often less considered — yet still equally as important — is branded events.

What is Event Branding?

Branded events are events that your company hosts, with a special twist on said company’s brand. Think of your event’s brand as the cousin to your company’s brand. Your branded event should retain the core essence of your company’s brand, but it should also bring new elements of personality, attitude and atmosphere that are unique to that specific event. 

Event branding includes all the individual pieces that make up your event and can be considered in two separate phases: pre-event branding leading up to the event and onsite branding that takes place during the event. Pre-event branding is made up of the event’s promotional materials, including flyers, posters, photography, social media content and email marketing. Onsite branding takes place during the event and can manifest in many different ways depending on the event itself. It can include the music played, the foods and drinks served, signage, and decorations, as well as any favors/gifts for guests. At every touch point, your event’s brand should be cohesive and distinct.

Instabeach is an annual event hosted by Instagram for young influencers. In 2019, it took place in Malibu and offered a variety of branded food and drinks including donuts and coconuts with the Instagram logo. Influencers also had the opportunity to get a hat made with their Instagram handles on it. Pictures of event attendees and their goodies were posted across the platform with the hashtag #InstaBeach. The event successfully promoted the Instagram brand while providing a fun experience and plenty of picture worthy moments for young, camera-happy influencers. 

Why does Event Branding matter?

Tying a memorable, fun experience to your brand creates opportunities for potential customers to associate your brand with happy memories. According to a report from Event Marketer, 91% of people have positive feelings about a brand after joining an event. It ensures that your brand and event are not seen as two separate entities, but unified in the time leading up to, during and after your event. After you host a great event, you want to make sure that your company’s name is synonymous with the event when attendees talk about how much they enjoyed it. This will increase positive brand sentiment as well as boost awareness and engagement for your brand, ultimately serving to drive your business’ bottom line.

How to Brand your event!

Before you can begin branding your event, you need to determine who your target audience is. The Instabeach event’s target audience was young influencers with substantial followings on social media platforms. The entire event was designed to provide the maximum amount of picture-taking opportunities in which the Instagram icon would be heavily featured. The food and drinks served included both decadent and savory options, and the music played at the event was a mashup of the latest top hits. Your target audience will determine the direction of your event. 

Once you determine your target audience, you need to decide on an event theme, as well as colors, fonts and images that will be included across all event touch points. These elements will serve as the foundation for your branded event. 

AMD specializes in branding events for our clients. If you have an event coming up or would like our help planning one, reach out to us for a consultation. Together we can work to create a unique, customized event that highlights your brand, increases exposure and heightens consumer engagement. Check out our portfolio to see what we’re capable of! 


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