5 Tips for Healthy Work Life Balance

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Now more than ever, this is an especially important subject, as people are rebounding from the effects of COVID-19. AMD has compiled five tips for establishing a healthy work-life balance that can be instilled into your daily routine. Implementing these habits can offer lasting improvements in both your personal and work lives. AMD recognizes that good mental health is critical to the overall well being and functioning of humans, and it should not be overlooked. Researchers have proven that there is a strong link between mental health and productivity.

AMD advises the five following tips for creating a better work-life balance to enhance your overall quality of life: 

Establish Working Hours

It is important to be clear on what the appropriate hours for client contact are. You can still go above and beyond for your clients without infringing on your personal time. Telling people to respect your boundaries is a good thing for them and you. This sets a precedent for the relationship and relationships to come. Not responding to calls late at night or out of office days is more than okay — you are still a great worker. Ultimately, establishing these boundaries and sticking to them will increase your ability to provide high quality services to your clients. You will see an increase in your ability to focus if you are not in a constant state of alert anticipating client interactions.

Unplug When You are not in Your Office

At the start of the pandemic, AMD operated remotely for three weeks. During this time, it was a challenge to stop working at 5 p.m. or even on the weekends. When your home is also your work space, it’s important to set aside a space in your home specifically dedicated to work. Try not to work from your bed or living room couch, and only engage in work related activities on your devices during your designated working hours. 

Studies have shown that continuously checking devices has a negative impact on your attention span and overall mental health. Make sure to have daily opportunities to decompress and separate from your email inbox. Perhaps start the habit of not checking your phone after 8 p.m. as you prepare for bed. Research indicates that this daily habit can lead to increased productivity, improved sleep quality, and reports of better work life balance.

Set Reminders to Breathe

When you breathe deeply, the body releases endorphins, which are the feel good hormones and a natural painkiller. Deep breathing draws in fresh oxygen and releases toxins and carbon dioxide. When the blood is oxygenated, it ensures smoother functioning of your vital organs, including the immune system. Deep breathing can also help stimulate creativity. You can set a reminder on your phone to take breaks for deep breaths. A simple habit like this can ensure you are functioning at your most efficient for personal and work responsibilities!

Take Periodic Movement Breaks (and get outside!)

It is vital to incorporate movement into your routine. AMD enjoys our “Wellness Wednesdays” where we experiment with a variety of local gyms. It is a great opportunity for team bonding and promoting wellness. If your job involves hours of sitting we highly encourage taking movement breaks. This will help get your blood flowing and brain operating more clearly! Now that summer is almost in full swing, the AMD girls like to take strolls during their lunch breaks.

It can be hard to feel inspired or motivated when working from home, so find some light activities that get you moving and thinking. Research has shown that vitamin D plays an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression. Make a daily effort to spend time outside and unwind. Your brain will thank you for it!

Dedicate Yourself to Effective Time Management

Time blocking really helps relieve stress at AMD. Each day brings its own unique challenges, so we find it helpful to make daily, weekly and monthly lists. You can even take it a step further and time block your day. If you have multiple projects to work on throughout the day, rank your tasks in order of priority, and then block out specific hours during which to work on said tasks. Hold yourself accountable to these time blocks, and make sure to stop working on one project when it’s time to move on to the next. Most importantly, we lean on our team, so remember it’s okay to ask for encouragement and help if you need it!

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that your productivity does not equate to your worth. Your mental health is always more important than a job or project! To find out what your personal boundaries are, ask yourself “What are my priorities outside of work: exercise, relaxation, spending time with family and friends? Do I work better in the mornings or the evenings? Ask yourself lots of questions, and then plot some time to make a realistic schedule for yourself. Always remember to be patient. Hold yourself accountable to your work and personal goals, but forgive and love yourself if you occasionally stray from your plan. Life is busy, and it’s okay to just relax sometimes!


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